See full blog post on Centre for Public Impact website here

A tale of two systems: how an AI-enabled public service impacts Human Learning Systems

Lorenn Ruster


Read full blog post on Centre for Public Impact website here.

What are the implications of an AI-enabled public service on #HumanLearningSystems? And, how can HLS be applied to AI development processes?

Earlier this year, the Centre for Public Impact (CPI) joined a range of partners to publish an e-book describing a paradigm shift in the way that public management is conceived and carried out. Its ultimate goal is for governments to enable human flourishing. At its core, the emerging paradigm called Human Learning Systems (HLS), embraces a mindset that has humans at the centre, has a management strategy anchored in learning, and takes a systems view.

Around the same time, I was working with CPI on research centred on a similar goal of government-enabled human flourishing: in our case, how government frameworks guiding the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) protect and promote human dignity. Artificial Intelligences are technological systems, anchored in learning models, and created by, applied by and sometimes even emulating humans. AIs are not called Systems Learning Humans (as far as I know!), but they could be.

It struck me that HLS and AI may have a few things in common.

This blog explores some of these thoughts in more detail:

This blog was written in Lorenn’s role as the Centre for Public Impact’s inaugural Responsible Tech Collaborator.

Previously, Lorenn was a Director at PwC’s Indigenous Consulting and a Director of Marketing & Innovation at a Ugandan Solar Energy Company whilst a Global Fellow with Impact Investor, Acumen. She also co-founded a social enterprise leveraging sensor technology for community-led landmine detection whilst a part of Singularity University’s Global Solutions Program. She is interested in the intersection of technology, cross-sector collaboration, impact & dignity and is also exploring these topics as a PhD candidate at the Australian National University’s School of Cybernetics.



Lorenn Ruster

Exploring #dignity centred #design #tech #AI #leadership | PhD Candidate ANU School of Cybernetics | Acumen Fellow | PIC, SingularityU, CEMS MIM alum|Views =own